Missouri Job Center

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The Columbia Missouri Job Center's goal is to connect people to jobs, free of charge, and we accomplish this goal by working with both job seekers and employers to help bolster the local workforce through trainings, workshops, and job connections, as well as helping the workforce with career counseling, offering tools to make finding a job or advancing your career easier.

101 Park DeVille Dr. Suite E
Columbia, MO 65203
Visit Website

Hours: Monday - Friday, 7 AM – 6 PM


Job Seeker Services & Workshops
Job Matching, available job search resources, resume writing assistance, work-based learning, cover letters, resumes, and online apps, and Veterans Connect.

Learning Opportunities and Resources
Apprenticeships, assistive technology, budgeting and financial literacy, high school equivalency, job search computers, translation and interpretive services, and young adult assistance.

Walk-In Wednesdays
For more in formation, click here or call 573-441-6361.

Job Leagues For Youth
The Job League program is for youth ages 14 to 24 years old. It provides paid on-the-job training that helps them develop the work skills they need to build a career. Can participate up to 320 hours.

For more information, click here.

Youth Access Program
Designed for ages 16 to 24 years old. Eligible youth can receive $11 per hour for each hour of Adult Education, $25 incentive payment each time they show an increase in performance grade level, $100 incentive payment when they obtain their HISET, and $12 for placement with an employer to complete Work Experience assignment.

For more information, call 573-441-6361.


WASH-U PLEDGE- Washington University Tuition-Free Program

